NABARD - National Bank for agriculture and Rural
SMS - Short Messaging Service
R.B.I. - Reserve Bank of India
D.O.S - Disc operating system
Digital versatile disc
Permanent Account Number
FM - Frequency Module
GSLV - Geosynchronous
Satellite Launch vehicle
CNG - Compressed natural gas
WWW - World wide web
HTML - Hyper text markup language
HTTP - Hyper
text transfer protocol
e-banking -
electronic banking
IRDA - Insurance Regulatory and development
ISI - Inter services intelligence
TRAI - Telecom Regulatory authority of india
ASEAN - Association of south east asian nations
NPA(banking)- Non
performing assets
RAM - Random access memory
ROM - Read only memory
CAD - Computer added design
SEBI - Securities and Exchange board of india
RDX - Research development explosive
LASER - Light
Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
CFL - Compact Fluorescent Lamp
LED - Light Emitting Dayode
ATM - Automated teller machine
Subscruver’s Identity Module
Ic chip - Integrated circuit chip
AIDS - Acquired immune deficiency syndrome
MODEM - Modulator Demodulator
LCD - Liquid crystal display
DTP - Desktop
ALU - Arithmetic
logical unit
KB - Kilo
EMI - Equated Monthly Installment
PIL - Public
Interest litigation
EVM - Electronic
Voting Machine
NASA - National
Aeronautics and Space Administration
RTGS - Real
time gross settlement
NEFT - Net
electronic fund transfer
LAN - Local
area network
MAN - Metropolitian
area network
WAN - Wide
area network
SIDBI - Small
industries development bank of india
GSM - Global
System for mobile communications
GST - Goods
and Service’s tax
NITI - National
Institution for Transforming India
ISRO - Indian
Space Research Organisation
4G - Fourth
NCERT - National
Council of Education Research and Training
GIS - Geographic
Information System
GPS - Global
Positioning System